This is Section 10.2.1 of the Arctic Climate Impact Assessment
Lead Author: Michael B. Usher; Contributing Authors:Terry V. Callaghan,
Grant Gilchrist, Bill Heal, Glenn P. Juday, Harald Loeng, Magdalena A.
K. Muir, Pål Prestrud
The arctic marine environment covers about 13 million km2, of which about 45% is a permanent ice cap that covers part of the Arctic Ocean. Seasonal sea ice
forms during winter, and recedes during the short arctic summer,
exposing large areas of open water. The marine environment is thus
dominated by sea ice and by the dynamics of that ice and especially the
location of the ice edge. The transition zone between the sea ice and
the open water has intense algal growth in spring and summer, and it is
the primary production by these phytoplankton that supports the arctic marine food webs. Only in exceptional cases can the energy that drives the marine food webs be obtained from other sources. Discoveries of “hot vents” and “cold seeps” in the Arctic have been recently recorded. At these sites, bacteria are capable of deriving energy from methane (CH4) or hydrogen sulfide (H2S)
gases that emerge as bubbles or in solution from the vents and seeps.
These bacteria are then fed on by other organisms and so form the basis
of some very specialized and localized food webs. Research on marine biodiversity
is usually expensive, which is probably why comparatively less is known
about marine biodiversity than terrestrial biodiversity.
Projected changes in sea ice, temperature, freshwater,
and wind will affect nutrient supply rates through their effects on
vertical mixing and upwelling. These will in turn result in changes in
the timing, location, and species composition of phytoplankton blooms
and, subsequently, in the zooplankton community and the productivity of
fishes. Changes in the timing of primary production can affect its input
to the pelagic community as well as the amount exported to and taken up
by the benthic community. The retention: export ratio also depends on
the advection of plankton and nutrients within the water body and on the
temperature preferences of the grazing zooplankton; these both
determine the degree of match or mismatch between primary and secondary
The projected disappearance of seasonal sea ice from the Barents and
Bering Seas, and so the elimination of ice-edge blooms, would result in
these areas having blooms resembling those presently occurring in more
southerly seas. The timing of such blooms will be determined by the
onset of seasonal stratification, again with consequences for a match or
mismatch between phytoplankton and zooplankton production. If a mismatch occurs, due to early phytoplankton blooms, the food webs will be highly inefficient in terms of food supply to fish. Both export production and protozoan
biomass is likely to increase. However, both the areal extent of export
production and grazing by copepods are projected to increase slightly
because of the larger ice-free area.
Future fluctuations in zoobenthic communities will be related to the temperature tolerance of the animals and to the future temperature of the seawater. Whereas most boreal species have planktonic larvae
that need a fairly long period to develop to maturity, arctic species
do not. Consequently, boreal species should be quick to spread with warm
currents during periods of warming, while the more stenothermal arctic
species (i.e., those only able to tolerate a small temperature range)
will quickly perish. Shifts in the distribution of the fauna are likely
to be quicker and more noticeable during periods of warming than periods
of cooling. Change in the abundance or biomass of benthic communities
is most likely to result primarily from the impact of temperature on the
life cycles and growth rates of the species concerned. If warming
occurs, thermophilic species (i.e., those tolerating a wide temperature
range) will become more frequent. This will force changes to the
zoobenthic community structure and, to a lesser extent, to its
functional characteristics, especially in coastal areas.
Climate change affects fish production through direct and indirect pathways. Direct effects include the effects of temperature on metabolism, growth, and distribution. Food web
effects could also occur, through changes in lower trophic level
production or in the abundance of top-level predators, but the effects
of these changes on fish are difficult to predict. However, generalist
predators are likely to be more adaptable to changed conditions than
specialist predators. Fish recruitment patterns are strongly influenced
by oceanographic processes such as local wind patterns, mixing, and prey
availability during early life stages; these are also difficult to
predict. Recruitment success could be affected by changes in the timing
of spawning, fecundity rates, larval survival rates, and food
Poleward extensions of the range of many fish species are very likely under the projected climate change
scenarios. Some of the more abundant species that are likely to move
northward under the projected warming include Atlantic and Pacific
herring (Clupea harengus and C. pallasi respectively), Atlantic and Pacific cod (Gadus morhua and G. macrocephalus respectively), walleye pollock (Theragra chalcogramma)
in the Bering Sea, and some of the flatfishes that might presently be
limited by bottom temperatures in the northern areas of the marginal
arctic seas. The southern limit of colder-water fish species, such as
polar cod (Boreogadus saida) and capelin (Mallotus villosus), are likely to move northward. Greenland halibut (Reinhardtius hippoglossoides)
might possibly shift its southern boundary northward or restrict its
distribution more to continental slope regions. Migration patterns are
very likely to shift, causing changes in arrival times along the
migration route. Qualitative predictions of the consequences of climate
change on fish resources require good regional atmospheric and ocean
models of the response of the ocean to climate change. There is
considerable uncertainty about the effects of non-native species moving
into a region in terms of their effects on the “balance” within an ecosystem.
The impacts of the projected climate change
scenarios on marine mammals and seabirds in the Arctic are likely to be
profound, but are difficult to predict in precise terms. Patterns of
change are non-uniform and highly complex. The worst-case scenarios for
reductions in sea-ice extent, duration, thickness, and concentration by
2080 threaten the existence of entire populations of marine mammals and,
depending on their ability to adapt, could result in the extinction of
some species.
Polar bears, ''Ursus maritimus''. (Photo credit: WWF-Norway 2002)
Climate change also poses risks to marine mammals and seabirds in the
Arctic beyond the loss of habitat and forage bases. These include
increased risk of disease for arctic-adapted vertebrates owing to
improved growing conditions for the disease vectors and to contact with
non-native species moving into the Arctic;
increased pollution loads resulting from an increase in precipitation
bringing more river borne pollution northward; increased competition
from the northward expansion of temperate species; and impacts via
increased human traffic and development in previously inaccessible,
icecovered areas. Complexity arising from alterations to the density,
distribution, or abundance of keystone species at various trophic levels, such as polar bears (Ursus maritimus) and polar cod, could have significant and rapid consequences for the structure of the ecosystems in which they currently occur.
Although many climate change scenarios focus on the potentially
negative consequences for ecosystems, environmental change can also
bring opportunities. The ability of some species to adapt to new climate
regimes is often considerable, and should not be underestimated. Many
marine vertebrates in the Arctic, especially mammals and birds, are
adapted to dealing with patchy food resources and to a high degree of
variability in its abundance.
Ice-living seals are particularly vulnerable to changes in the extent
and character of the sea ice because they use it as a pupping, molting,
and resting platform, and some species also forage on ice-associated
prey. Of the arctic pinnipeds, ringed seals (Phoca hispida)
are likely to be the most affected because so many aspects of their
life history and distribution are tied to sea ice. They require
sufficient snow cover to construct lairs and the ice must be
sufficiently stable in spring for them to rear young successfully. Early
breakup of the sea ice could result in premature separation of
mother–pup pairs and hence increased neonatal mortality. Ringed seals do
not normally haul out on land and to do this would be a very dramatic
change in their behavior. Land breeding would expose ringed seal pups to
much higher predation rates.
Changes in the extent and type of sea ice affect the distribution and
foraging success of polar bears. The earliest impacts of warming will
occur at their southern limits of distribution, such as at James and
Hudson Bays. Late sea-ice formation and early break-up also mean a
longer period of annual fasting. Reproductive success in polar bears is
closely linked to their fat stores. Females in poor condition have
smaller litters, as well as smaller cubs that are less likely to
survive. There are also concerns that direct mortality rates might
increase. For example, increased frequency or intensity of spring rains
could cause dens to collapse, resulting in the death of the female as
well as the cubs. Earlier spring break-up of sea ice could separate
traditional den sites from spring feeding areas, and if young cubs were
forced to swim long distances between breeding areas and feeding areas
this could decrease their survival rate. The survival of polar bears as a
species is difficult to envisage under conditions of zero summer
sea-ice cover. Their only option would be to adopt a terrestrial summer
lifestyle similar to brown bears (Ursus major), from which they evolved. But competition, risk of hybridization with brown and grizzly bears (both U. major), and an increase in human interactions, would also pose a threat to their long-term survival.
The effects of climate change
on seabird populations, both direct and indirect, are very likely to be
detected first near the limits of the species range and the margins of
their oceanographic range. The southern limits of many arctic seabirds
are likely to retract northward, also causing breeding ranges to shift
northward. Changes in patterns of distribution, breeding phenology, and
periods of residency in the Arctic
are likely to be some of the first observed responses to climate
change. Seabirds will also be affected by changes in prey availability
and so can serve as indicators of ecosystem productivity. Since warmer
(or colder) water would affect the distribution of prey species, the
distribution of individual seabird species is likely to reflect changes
in the distribution of macrozooplankton and fish populations. Changes in
sea level may restrict the use of current breeding sites, but may
increase the suitability of other sites that are not currently used
owing to predator access or for other reasons.
With climate change already underway, planning for the conservation of marine biodiversity is an imperative. Series of actions are being proposed. These can be grouped into five key issues, namely:
- the implementation of an inventory of the Arctic’s biodiversity and of schemes for monitoring trends in the biodiversity resource, including appropriate indicators;
- the completion of a circumpolar network of marine and maritime protected areas;
- the development of circumpolar guidelines for managing arctic
biodiversity in a sensitive manner, bearing in mind the needs of local
communities and the fact that “controlled neglect” may be an appropriate
means of management;
- the establishment of fora for developing integrated management schemes for coasts and seas; and
- the review of marine regulatory instruments, with recommendations for further actions where necessary.
Conservation is unlikely to be easy, but as many as possible of these
five key issues should be developed on a circumpolar basis. This is
particularly the case for the marine environment because many of the
species tend not to be localized, but to be widely distributed
throughout the Arctic Ocean as a whole. Indeed, some species have regular, seasonal patterns of migration. Satellite tracking has shown that walrus (Odobenus rosmarus) and narwhal (Monodon monoceros)
can move great distances within the Arctic Ocean in relatively short
periods of time. Similarly, polar bears, ringed seals, and beluga whales
(Delphinapterus leucas) have been shown to exhibit extensive and rapid circumpolar movements.
The main requirement for the conservation of marine biodiversity is
the need to take a holistic approach. The majority of national parks and
reserves are predicated primarily upon the protection of coastal birds
and mammals. This needs to be expanded to include the ecosystems
upon which these birds and mammals depend, and upon which the
commercially exploited fish populations also depend. It is not just the
vertebrate animals that are important, but the whole range of
biodiversity, and especially those small and often unknown organisms
that are either trapping solar energy by photosynthesis
or decomposing organic matter to enable the recycling of nutrients. It
is the totality of the biodiversity of the marine habitats and
ecosystems of the Arctic that support the sustainable production of the biological resources upon which the indigenous peoples, and others, depend.
Although there are many unknowns, it is likely that many of the
vertebrate animals will move northward, with many of these species
likely to become less abundant. However, for the phytoplankton,
it is the extent of the mixing of the ocean layers that will determine
the increases and decreases for the various taxonomic groups.
Polar bears, ''Ursus maritimus''. (Photo credit: WWF-Norway 2002)
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